EEG Instructions

An Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test used to find problems related to electrical activity of the brain. An EEG tracks and records brain wave patterns. Small metal discs with thin wires (electrodes) are placed on the scalp, and then send signals to a computer to record the results.
Please try and be sleep deprived for the test the night before (We want you to try and sleep here in the office) Go to bed at 12am midnight, wake up at 4am, and stay awake until your appointment time.
Avoid any caffeine, energy drinks, cigarettes or any kind of stimulants the day of the test.
Please take ALL prescribed medication the day of the test.
Make sure hair is dry and clean, free from grease, hair gel and hair spray.
Have something to eat within two hours before the appointment.
Please use the restroom prior to your test. Once the test has started it CANNOT be stopped.
If you are more than SEVEN MINUTES LATE, we will cancel your appointment.
We are dedicated to quality patient care and comfort. This is about a 90-minute test, we can only take the patient back for procedures. (EEG, EMG, & Ultrasounds)
Our Test Scheduling Specialist will give you a call once we have received approval from your insurance to get you scheduled.
If you have not been reached out to get scheduled for this test, please give us a call at 775-432-6189 ext. 108
Thank you for understanding our policies and procedures here at Amity Neurology.